Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ice Breaker

“Ice Breaker” paper

Use concepts from chapter 1, 2, and 3 to analyze your online identity.

How does this identity compare to others identities you have in other relationships?

Comparing the meaning from chapters 1, 2, 3 to my ever day life. As I see myself I

interpret my relationship with others on-line is different than in person. I am more direct when I write and get the point across compared to face-to-face. When I approach someone I feel that I am shortened for words loose my focus and don’t get the point across that I had intended to. So I feel that having a relationship on the computer seems easier for me.

Self-concept is how I see myself. It is made up of a sense of belonging and being accepted, a sense of happiness, and a sense of being capable of doing things well.

I want to look at how you form relationships in face-to-face interactions, and compare that to how you form relationships on the internet. Which is easier? Why?

I feel that people and including me can disclose our "true" or inner self to others on the internet easier than in face-to-face. With the internet we are able to be ourselves without anyone judging and criticizing our appearance, the need for acceptance, and respecting our feelings. I think this will likely form a close relationship on-line and will tend to bring those virtual relationships into their "real" lives.

This is why we have so many opportunities when it comes to computer mediated communication these sources are a part of our daily lives this includes text messaging, email, and internet communication. It is comfortable for others to strike up a relationship at their own convenience and avoid any cruel judgment; I also find it easier to express and ask questions on the internet compared to approach someone face-to face. Sometimes I have a hard time walking up to someone I met in the past (school, work, and community actives) and engage a conversation. Unless I have a goal or something to do my self-confidence gets in the way I am easily embarrassed. I see my husband do this all the time he is more sociable than I am. I feel this is something that I can improve on my self-confidence this would help with my face-to-face interactions.

I will have to agree that having an internet relationship is much easier than in person. On the computer I can be myself and not worry about what others think of me.

We form relationships both face-to-face and on the internet through our interactions with others we begin to think of ourselves as being a good person, a valuable part of a group.